[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Forms' (#lcl)


Event handler signalled when the application leaves the Idle state.


Source position: forms.pp line 1754

public property TApplication.OnIdleEnd : TNotifyEvent
  read FOnIdleEnd
  write FOnIdleEnd;


OnIdleEnd is a TNotifyEvent property with the event handler signalled when the application leaves the Idle state.

It is signalled from the DoOnIdleEnd method, and occurs after the AppWaitMessage method in the widgetset class has been completed. It occurs before the NotifyIdleEndHandler method is called to process other application handlers using the ahtIdleEnd type.

Use OnIdle to perform actions needed when the application enters the idle state.

Use the TApplicationProperties class to assign properties and event handlers for an application instance at design-time that are applied at run-time.

See also



Called when the application enters the idle state.



Notifies all Idle End handlers when a new message has arrived.



Event handler signalled when the application enters the idle state.



Types of Application notification handlers.



A component that provides access to the properties for the current application.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home