[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ExtCtrls' (#lcl)


Event handler signalled when a mouse button is double-clicked on the tray icon.


Source position: extctrls.pp line 1432

public property TCustomTrayIcon.OnDblClick : TNotifyEvent
  read FOnDblClick
  write FOnDblClick;


OnDblClick is a TNotifyEvent property with the Event handler signalled when the Left mouse button is double-clicked on the tray icon. An application can implement and assign an object procedure to the event handler to perform any actions needed when the tray icon is double-clicked.

Use OnClick to perform actions needed when the Left mouse button is single-clicked on the tray icon.

Remark: When both OnClick and OnDblClick are assigned, OnClick is signalled twice for a mouse double-click event. Once before OnDblClick, and once after OnDblClick.

Use OnMouseUp and OnMouseDown if another mouse button (other than mbLeft), the keyboard modifier like Shift/Ctrl/Alt, or the mouse coordinates must be examined.

See also



Event handler signalled when a mouse button is single-clicked on the tray icon.



Event handler signalled when a mouse button down event is detected for the tray icon.



Event handler signalled when a mouse button up event is detected for the tray icon.

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